Deadline for Distinguished Service Award is March 1!
Deadline for Distinguished Service Award is March 1!

2023 Distinguished Service Award

Kathy and Aaron Beans

Kathy has been calling for over fifty (50) years.

She calls for several clubs in Utah. Currently calls for three clubs: Electric Squares, Sevier Promenaders, and a recently established new club in Payson. We can’t forget she used to call for Price and Monroe. Don’t forget the Blast Classes she was in charge of many times. Kathy is very dependable and dedicated to her clubs. She schedules vacations around her calling. Just think of all her travel time. No matter the weather she is there.

She creates teaching tapes for the use at the Sevier Promenaders Club and other dances when not available in person. Kathy is very kind and patient with the dancers, she is always encouraging and complementing them, makes them feel at ease and successful. She spends many hours preparing and tailoring her calling around the dancers, ranging from beginner to DBD.

She has been the featured caller for many Utah and out- of- state special dances and festivals. She was the youth director for the 2003 USA West Convention in Ogden and has been involved in the ASDCU Spring Festival, MC and the fashion show. She will do anything she is asked to take part in.

One example of her love for square dancing was when she was on her mission, she took her equipment to Australia to teach them how to square dance.

She volunteers her time in the community, church organizations, and schools to promote square dancing.

We love dancing to Kathy and appreciate her dedication to our club in Richfield.

Kathy and Aaron truly believe Square & Round Dancing is “Friendship Set to Music.”