A-C Dixies – C is for Ceder

Welcome to an A2/C1/Rounds weekend with the fantastic Vic Ceder and Mary Townsend-Manning. It’s a 2-day event on Friday and Saturday, February 13-14, 2026.

The weekend is split into several sessions each of A2 and C1, with 2 rounds between tips for the evening sessions. Test your skills at the end of each night with Anything-Goes dancing! Dance fees vary, depending on how much you want to dance. Dance as much or as little as you like, but don’t miss this chance to dance with Vic and Mary!


If you can come a day early, we will be hosting an MS/Plus dance on Thursday; see that separate flyer.


February 13, 2026 - February 14, 2026    
All Day


Townsend-Manning Home Studio
1238 Sunrise Circle, Washington, UT, 84780

Event Type

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